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CIBERNED Scientific Forum has taken place every year since 2007, becoming an international conference in neurodegenerative diseases from 2013 onward. It is the main scientific event organized in Spain in this field of research, bringing together most of the Spanish scientific community interested in neurodegeneration as well as some highly recognized international experts. On its side, CIBERFES (CIBER of Frailty and healthy Aging) has been holding its annual scientific conference since its creation in 2017, bringing together the excellence groups on frailty and ageing that make up this area of CIBER, along with some of the most important experts in the field.

This year CIBERNED and CIBERFES are holding their annual meeting together. The meeting will take place on May 28-30th and is organized jointly with CIBERFES (CIBER of Frailty and healthy Aging) with a general, not exclusive, focus on Neuroiflammation, Aging and Neurodegeneration. The meeting provides an excellent venue to discuss a range of areas of interest related to basic, clinical, and translational aspects of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s diseases, ALS, and multiple sclerosis, among others.

It also provides opportunities to discuss and entertain topics that stretch into the future and will be vital to procure the advancement of cooperative research. In addition, there will be many opportunities to meet and network with colleagues from the field and to share your experiences as well as to learn from each other.

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