Con la colaboración de

Poster Submission Instructions

Submission Process: Posters must be submitted exclusively through the Congress registration page, for which it is essential to be registered and to log in again for submitting the poster.

Deadline: Until March 10, 2024, at 24:00 (midnight).

Those interested in being considered for a 8-minute oral presentation in the Flash Talks session at the Meeting must beforehand select the option enabled for this purpose on the platform. Additionally, they must have, at a minimum, the poster details registered on the platform, including Title, Contact Email, Group, Author Collection, Primary Author Selection (who will be responsible for the presentation if selected), and Abstract. All this information should be completed before February 28, 2024, at 24:00 (midnight).

The organizing committee may select up to a maximum of 9 proposals for oral presentations.

Submission of abstracts implies acceptance of all presentation guidelines.

Who: For abstract acceptance, it is essential that the primary author be a member of CIBERNED, either as a Principal Investigator (IP), staff (contratado), affiliated (adscrito), or collaborator.

Only the submission of 2 posters per CIBERNED group will be allowed. Exceptionally, if any group has a special interest in presenting more than two posters, they should contact [email protected]

Format:The poster will be physically presented at the CIBERNED Annual Meeting in Bilbao. Posters should be in a vertical format with recommended dimensions of 120 cm in height and 90 cm in width.

Theme: The poster must be exclusively related to topics concerning neurodegenerative diseases.

Language: English with a word limit of 250 words.

Confidentiality: No confidential information should be disclosed, considering the CIBERNED Annual Meeting as a public event from an intellectual property protection perspective.

The individual presenting the poster should align with the individual who submitted the abstract and is required to be present at the base of the poster during the designated session.

All submissions must prominently feature the official logos of CIBERNED, along with any other logos deemed necessary based on their thematic relevance. For details regarding corporate image guidelines, please refer to